Question:Epileptic seizures are considered a dynamic disease of brain networks, representing a complex interplay between the organization of brain networks and the dynamics of metabolic resources. This interplay shapes how seizures initiate and spread in the brain. How do the structure of brain networks and the dynamics of resource allocation influence the generation and propagation of seizures?
Impact: Understanding seizure dynamics at the whole-brain level is crucial for controlling abnormal hypersynchronous activity. Currently, complete brain coverage recordings are lacking in both patients and animal models. In this study, we investigate seizure dynamics at whole brain level in silico. Moreover, our results support existing studies that suggest the cortico-thalamic initiation of generalized seizures, with regions primarily in the cortex initiating the seizures.
Avinash Ranjan, Saurabh R. Gandhi
Question:Can fractional order models capture the long first spike latency and downward adaptation of neurons in the Treves model?
Impact: We show that a fractional order modified Treves model can capture both of these features simultaneously, which was not previously observed in simple neuron models.
Y Vats, M Mehra, D Oelz, SR Gandhi
Question:We previously showed that spevtral differentiation can identify specific brain areas that might be more involved in subjective perception. How does this metric, spectral differentation, depend on the timescale of observation, or change from one brain region to another?
Impact: We used the Allen Brain Observatory Visul Coding Neuropixels dataset to analyze the spectral differentiation of activity of ~50,000 neurons. We found that differentiation of single neurons is maximized at a timescale of ~100 ms, similar to the timescales of conscious perception; and the differentiation of activity of the entire visual cortex most faithfully reflects ‘conscious perception’ compared to individual areas in the visual cortex.
SR Gandhi, WGP Mayner, W Marshall, YN Billeh, C Bennett, SD Gale, C Mochizuki, JH Siegle, S Olsen, G Tononi, C Koch, A Arkhipov
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (2023)
Question:Decoding is an extrinsic approach - the experimenter knows what is shown to the subject, and then asks- activity in what brain region can predict what was shown? But what is shown can be very different from what was consciously perceived by the subject. Can a new metric (spectral differentiation) predict what was consciously seen by the subject?
Impact: While decoding neural responses from any of the observed visual areas in mice can predict what was shown to the mouse, spectral differentiation in only specific visual areas (AL, AM) and layers (L2/3) is increased for ethologically ‘meaningful’ compared to ‘meaningless’ stimuli. Could it possibly be predicting what the mouse actually saw, not just what it was shown?
WGP Mayner, W Marshall, YN Billeh, SR Gandhi, S Caldejon, A Cho, F Griffin, N Hancock, S Lambert, EK Lee, JA Luviano, K Mace, C Nayan, TV Nguyen, K North, S Seid, A Williford, C Cirelli, PA Groblewski, J Lecoq, G Tononi, C Koch, A Arkhipov
ENEURO.0280-21.2021 9 (1) (2022)
Question:The claustrum, a centrally connected brain region, has been hypothetized to be involved in consciousness. How does the cortex respond to optogenetic stimulation of the mouse claustrum?
Impact: We found that unlike a few similar recent studies that suggest claustrum stimulation uniformly inhibits the cortex, claustrum stimulation can actually lead to a wide variety of responses in the cortex, depending on the cortical area and cell types observed. We characterized these responses in depth in this manuscript.
EG McBride, SR Gandhi, JR Kuyat, DR Ollerenshaw, A Arkhipov, C Koch, SR Olsen
See further context here
Question:The qualitative differences in the dynamics of pulled and pushed waves (2016 PNAS paper) has a tremendous impact on how the populations evolve, especially how they lose genetic diversity. Can we measure this impact under the well controlled conditions in the lab?
Impact: We demonstrate that pushed waves lose genetic diversity over 100x slower than pulled waves! This demonstrates a seriously large fitness advantage to populations that grow cooperatively compared to competitively.
SR Gandhi, KS Korolev, J Gore
PNAS 116 (47) 23582-23587 (2019)
See commentary by Mark Lewis.
Question:Can we predictably vary the local dynamics of a real biological population to obtain different types of emergent global dynamics in a controlled manner? I studied the eco-evolutionary dynamics in a spatially expanding yeast population.
Impact: We demonstrated the existence of long-predicted pulled and pushed waves in a real biological population in a quantitative manner for the first time.
SR Gandhi, EA Yurtsev, KS Korolev, J Gore
See commentary by Mark Lewis.