Cognition and Neural Dynamics Lab

Broadly study certain aspects of cognition, neural dynamics and the relationship between them.

Cognition: We use a combination of psychophysics and EEG experiments to study several aspects of cognition.
Thrust area: to understand the effects of technology on the brain at the neural level (funded by India Alliance).

Neural dynamics: We study neural dynamics across scales, from the dynamics of ensembles of single neurons in the mouse brain to whole brain EEG dynamics. We use a combination of data-driven analysis and biophysical modeling for this.
Thrust area: to build whole brain models for end-to-end simulation of TMS-EEG which will be very helpful in early diagnosis of neurodegenrative disorders (funded by SERB).

About the PI

Saurabh is a DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance Early Career Fellow, and an Assistant Professor in the Center for Brain Science at Applications, School of AIDE at IIT Jodhpur. Previously he was a faculty member in the Electrical Engineering department at IIT-Delhi for 2 years, and a computaitonal neuroscientist at the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle, Washington for 1.5 years, studying different aspects of consciousness.

Saurabh did his PhD from MIT in Jeff Gore’s lab studying the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of yeast populations using experimental and computational modelling techniques. As an undergrad, he is trained as a physicist from IIT Bombay.

As reflected in his career trajectory, Saurabh has varied interests, primarily centered around the dynamics of complex systems. In his group also, he strongly encourages curiosity and exploration without labeled boundaries of fields. He is open and happy to discuss any interesting problem or observation in the natural world and do well-thought-out science to understand it!



Lab moves to IIT Jodhpur, within the Center for Brain Science and Applications (School of AI and Data Science)!


Lab receives the SERB SRG grant!


Lab welcomes new MS(R) student, Virendra Patel!


Saurabh is awarded the prestigious India Alliance Early Career Fellowship.


Lab welcomes new RA, Pragya Verma!


Saurabh was part of panel discussion on Neurobiology of Cognition at IIT-Delhi.


Our paper characterizing the spectral differentiation metric is published in Frontiers of Computational Neuroscience.

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